"Terriblement poètic i terriblement negre": la construcción del gótico rodorediano en La mort i la primavera


  • Sergio Fernández Martínez


The present study's aim is to analyse the construction of the Gothic mode in the novel La mort i la primavera by Mercè Rodoreda, who, on the basis of an extremely personal aesthetical practice, examines the enigmatic attraction exerted by both the uncanny and the unknown. Rodoredian Gothic a multiangular composition in which a broad symbolic spectrum finds its own place hides a twofold intentionality: on the one hand, its purpose is to (de)limit the eccentric and, on the other hand, it pursues to envisage the marginal relationship with the hegemonic society, by means of countering the realist conventions, and by investigating the new dimensions of the imaginary. It is from this polyhedral structure that La mort i la primavera's Gothic is seen as an experience which reveals itself as simultaneously matrix and abysm; thus opening up a space of confluence between life and death, creation and destruction. It is there when, from the unwonted's territory, the disquieting and amazing nature of the human is unveiled.





