Taxonomia de la pseudociència. Cap a una comprensió global i específica de les amenaces i característiques del fenomen en els mitjans de comunicació


  • Felipe Alonso


The media spread the various narratives of reality, proposing a series of discourses through which the public opinion is generated and on which it is based. Consequently, they have a social responsibility that obliges them to maintain the highest standards of accuracy and objectivity. Pseudoscience, understood in a general way as that which seeks to pass itself off as science without actually being science, is one of the most serious threats faced by society. Its presence in the communication media and in other spheres is mainly due to a faulty understanding of the selfsame concept of pseudoscience and its manifestations. This paper proposes a taxonomy of pseudoscience that will facilitate this understanding. Additionally, it presents a series of concepts connected with the boundaries of science, seeking to promote their use and to offer a comprehensive view of the problem.


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