Periodisme científic i relacions públiques


  • Manuel Palencia-Lefter i Ors


The pharmaceutical companies, laboratories, investigation centers, publishing houses, hospital foundations, authors, experts and researchers, universities and technological centers must carry out with professionalism techniques and methods of the relationship with the media. If they seek to arrive to the public opinion, if they seek to diffuse knowledge beyond their internal frontiers, they should work through the expert professionals who can provide them their knowledge, experience and agenda-setting. It is not enough publicizing a discovery or an investigation in a worthy format, calling to the journalists and waiting for them. It is necessary to create an interest among the communication professionals so that information is understood as «opportune» and «unpublished». And science is not an exception. Journalists have much science material that they can transform into a piece of news. The problems to do a good scientific journalism are evident. «Well made» techniques of public relations can facilitate the journalists work in the complex context of scientific journalism.


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