Hechos sin literatura


  • Mara Negrón Universidad de Puerto Rico


From a deconstructionist point of view, literature is a kind of passion for saying everything. This freedom of speech which is the essence of literature constitutes the very idea of democracy, as well as the fictions entailed in this concept. Due to its passion for creation and imagination, literature has been the target of all kinds of censorship. Not in the same way as a “responsible” agent, but as something that always acts as a “witness”. From this perspective, I analyze La hora de la estrella (1977), by the Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector. This work reflects on a certain boundary of literature, establishing some kind of relationship between passion and the problem of sexual difference. A sentence of the male “author” of the novel captures the extraordinary complexity of Clarice Lispector’s thought: “Suddenly, I developed a passionate interest in facts without literature”. I’m interested in thinking about the passion of an inside of literature but without literature, as well as its relationshp with the political field.


