Felip Parellada. Dos mestres de capella de la seu de Girona amb el mateix nom


  • Francesca Roig i Galceran


The name Felip Parellada appears in the lists of 17th-century chapel masters of Girona Cathedral as the holder of this position between 1664 and 1682. However, a study of the chapel masters of the parish churches of Sant Antoni Abat in Vilanova and of Santa Maria in La Geltrú has allowed us to verify that there were in fact two people of this name who acted as chapel masters of Girona Cathedral: Felip Parellada Alegret (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1628 - Girona, 1669), who held this position between 1661 and 1669, and Felip Parellada Mata, the formers son (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1653 - Banyoles, 1704), who took over his fathers position until 1682. This paper clears up this misunderstanding and presents the biographical data which we have compiled on these two figures.


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