Los Libros impresos de polifonía en la Biblioteca de Catlunya (1503-1628)


  • Andrea Puentes-Blanco


The National Library of Catalonia possesses a collection of eighty printed books of polyphony published between 1503 and 1628. This is one of the richest and most diverse collections of printed music to be found in the archives and libraries of the Iberian Peninsula and the only known collection here to contain exemplars of the first editions of Ottaviano Petrucci. This set of printed books does not come from any ecclesiastical institution in particular but rather it reached the Librarys holdings in the early 20th century from the personal collections of various scholars and bibliophiles and from subsequent acquisitions and donations of different provenances. The institutions or individuals who possessed these books in the 16th and 17th centuries, however, are unknown to us. This paper presents a complete census of the collection of these printed books at the National Library of Catalonia and traces the possible origin of some of the books through inscriptions and indications of use found on their pages or covers, or through book inventories kept in Barcelonas archives.


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