El Nou web IFMuC al servei del patrimoni musical de Catalunya: http://ifmuc.uab.cat/


  • Josep Maria Gregori i Cifré


An overview of the recovery of Catalonias musical heritage since the time of the Catalan composer Felip Pedrell and the Catalan priest and musicologist Higini Anglès, of the role of the institutions Biblioteca de Catalunya (National Library of Catalonia), Consell Superior dInvestigacions Científiques (Spanish National Research Council), Institut de Documentació i dInvestigació Musicològiques Josep Ricart i Matas (Documentation and Musicology Research Institute Josep Ricart i Matas) and Abadia de Montserrat (Montserrat Monastery) and of other musicological initiatives with similar goals. Presentation of the trajectory of the IFMuC project (Inventory of Catalonias Musical Holdings) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona) with its objectives, benefits and archival actions from 2001 to 2015 (holdings both catalogued and in the process of being catalogued). Exposition of the results of the project via the new website for musical heritage http://ifmuc.uab.cat, in operation since early 2015, with a presentation of its content: archives, holdings and collections, the Fontes Mvsicæ Cataloniæ census (a list of 403 holdings), studies on heritage, bibliographic references and news.


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