La Primera edición conocida de gozos polifónicos a la manera de las hojas volantes (Barcelona, 1702)


  • Glòria Ballús i Casóliva
  • Antonio Ezquerro Esteban


From the very beginning of the musical development of gozos (literally joy or glee) or couplets to the Virgin Mary around the 15th century (with the famous case included in the Llibre vermell de Montserrat), and with the technological advantages brought by the invention of Gutenbergs printing press, there were many cases of gozo texts (goigs in Catalan ) dedicated to Mary or the saints which were set to music and even printed. Nevertheless, these gozos were always monophonic and very often limited to a few bars, using simple tunes that could be learnt by heart and reproduced in popular worship. Since then, these musical gozos spread widely and internationally (from the old Aragon kingdom and particularly from Catalonia to France, Italy and Latin America). The present case, truly exceptional in many respects, represents the oldest known printed document of polyphonic gozos (here dedicated to Saint Bruno, founder of the Carthusian order), keeping the traditional formal and graphic layout of flysheets (with the exception of its size). This is a particularly remarkable example because the name of the composer, Jerónimo de la Torre, is given (a rarity in general), as well as the place where it was published, the name of the printer and the date of the document, fortunately preserved today at the Biblioteca de Catalunya (Catalonia National Library) in Barcelona.


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