Obres per al violí en un llibre d'orgue del segle XVII: el manuscrit 387 de la Biblioteca de Catalunya


  • Nuno Mendes Santos


This work presents a set of chamber pieces for the violin contained in a manuscript for the organ copied between 1694 and 1697. Among the almost 500 compositions for the organ contained therein, most composed by Joan Cabanilles (*1644; 1712), is a set of seven instrumental compositions for two and three voices by the Roman composer Francesco Foggia (*1604; 1688). Because of the great interest these works represent, information is provided on them including a brief description of the source and the material under study, as well as a critical transcription of the first piece in the set (the Tocata ytaliana para violín y violón). This is a preliminary publication before the complete study and a detailed critical edition are published of all the documents related to these pieces, currently being produced.


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