La Iconografia del músic i de la música als dibuixos de la premsa barcelonina (1865-1936)


  • Josep Pinyol Vidal


As from the last third of the 19th century, with a consolidated Catalan press in a broad diversity of fields, music journals were published that shared their area of specialisation with such popular publications as the illustrated magazines La Campana de Gràcia and Cu-cut! The major draughtsmen of the turn-of-the-century press coded the iconography of current events, genre scenes and city archetypes, which included the abstract entity of music and the concrete entity of the musician. The misunderstood bohemian and the venerated maestro were the two extremes of this iconography. Musical activity also reflected the bourgeois and working-class Barcelona that found entertainment in the galas of the Liceu, the cabarets of the Raval quarter or the workers choirs. The cartoonists knew how to take advantage of musical subjects and shift them to the political terrain, as was the case of Joan Llaveriass caricature of the concerts that the Orfeó Català held in Madrid, a caricature which led to the permanent closure of Cu-cut! in 1912.


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