L'Acadèmia del teatre a la Quaresma. Concert de veus i instruments, de M. Tramulles (atribuït): una visió de la vida musical barcelonina del segle XVIII Authors Xavier Daufí Abstract The Concert, a pen drawing attributed to Manuel Tramulles (1715-1791), represents a scene in which ten figures play and listen to music in a relaxed atmosphere. This little drawing allows an analysis of different aspects that will permit an approach to music in 18th-century Barcelona and this musics contextualisation. Various aspects are considered: the posture and positioning of the musicians (all of them some playing and others not are set around the harpsichord), type and number of instruments (string trio, flute, horn and harpsichord, in addition to two singers) and performance technique. In order to determine whether there were similar customs in Europe with respect to music in society, it is also interesting to compare this drawing to other European representations on like subjects. Additionally, the drawing attributed to Tramulles will serve to supplement the immense body of documentary information on the musical life and customs of Barcelona in the late 18th and early 19th centuries provided by the Baron of Maldà in his work Calaix de sastre. According to this Catalan nobleman, concerts were held regularly throughout the year in several aristocratic and bourgeois homes in the city. It will also be determined that the work attributed to Tramulles is not a mere abstract exercise seeking only to represent a scene with some musicians playing instruments or singing. Indeed, the drawing depicts, although perhaps in a summary way, the scene of a real musical performance. The instruments used by the composers of the times are exactly those which appear in the drawing. It may therefore be deduced that the artist was thoroughly acquainted with the way in which musical performances were organised. Downloads Download data is not yet available. Downloads Text complet (Català) Published 2013-02-21 Issue Vol. 5 (2012) Section Articles License The intellectual property of the articles belongs to the respective authors. At the time of submitting the articles to Revista Catalana de Musicologia, authors accept the following terms: — Authors assign to the Societat Catalana de Musicologia (a subsidiary of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans) the rights of reproduction, public communication (including communication through social networks) and distribution of the articles submitted for publication to Revista Catalana de Musicologia, in any form and medium, including digital platforms. The Publications Committee reserves the right to accept or refuse submitted articles and the right to make any editorial changes it deems appropriate. If the suggested changes are accepted by authors, they should re-submit the article with such changes. — Authors answer to the Societat Catalana de Musicologia for the authorship and originality of submitted articles. In other words, authors assure that submitted articles do not contain fragments of works by other authors or fragments of their own previously published works; that the content of articles is original, and that the copyright of third parties is not infringed upon. Authors accept this responsibility and undertake to hold harmless the Societat Catalana de Musicologia for any loss or damage resulting from non-compliance with this obligation. Furthermore, they should include a statement in articles submitted to the journal regarding their responsibility for the content of the articles. — Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for the reproduction of all graphic material included in articles, and they should moreover ensure that images, videos, etc., have been created with the consent of the individuals appearing in them, and that material belonging to third parties is clearly identified and acknowledged as such within the text. Likewise, authors should provide the respective consents and authorisations to the Societat Catalana de Musicologia when submitting articles. — The Societat Catalana de Musicologia is exempt from any liability arising from the possible infringement of intellectual property rights by authors. In all cases, it undertakes to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies, if necessary. — Unless otherwise stated in the text or in the graphic material, the contents published in the journal are subject to an Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs 3.0 Spain (by-nc-nd) license from Creative Commons, the full text of which may be consulted at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/deed.en. Therefore, the general public is authorised to reproduce, distribute and communicate articles as long as their authorship and publishing entity are acknowledged, and no commercial use is made of them nor derivative work produced from them. — The journal is not responsible for the ideas and opinions expressed by the authors of published articles.