Felipe Pedrell and the City of Granada: An epistolary relationship


  • Laura Dolores Vizcaíno Palau Universitat Internacional de València


Felipe Pedrell, Granada, La Alhambra magazine, correspondence, articles, Orientalism


In the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th, the main form of personal com­munication was correspondence, which is why it has become a primary source for musicological studies. On the basis of this type of primary sources, this study seeks to determine the relationship that existed between the Catalan musicologist, writer and music critic Fe­lipe Pedrell and the city of Granada. Pedrell was one of the most important personalities and forerunners of the Spanish national music movement and created an immense net­work of contacts throughout Spain, including people who directly influenced the cultural life of Granada. Through an analysis of the letters exchanged between Pedrell and influen­tial people on Granada’s cultural scene, we seek to study how this musicologist influenced the musical scene of the city and vice versa.




