Revisió de la biografia d'Emili Pujol Vilarrubí: anys de formació (1886-1909)


  • Maria Ribera i Gibal


This article reviews in detail the youthful years of Emili Pujol Vilarrubí, a guitarist born in La Granadella in 1886. The knowledge and teachings that the young Pujol received from Francesc Tàrrega and the various events that set his course towards a life fully devoted to music are put in context. Pujol composed hundreds of pieces and studies under the influence of the guitar tradition in which he was educated. His method teaches in detail how to learn instrumental technique according to the principles of Tàrrega's school. He was also one of the first to study the origin of string instruments and to strive to recover the guitar's historical past, which led him to play the lute and vihuela as well.Through an analysis of publications and unpublished material, this paper reviews the early formative years of this musician, from 1886 to 1909, the year of his mentor's death.


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