L'orgue a Catalunya i a Montserrat durant la vida de Joan Cererols (1618-1680)


  • Ramon Oranias i Orga


This paper is composed of two parts and a final conclusion. The first part describes the interior of the various elements which form the basic mechanisms of the organ. This gives an overview of the evolution of this instrument in Catalonia in the 17th century, together with references to organists from the previous century who laid the foundations for the organ with the characteristic style of this instrument in Catalonia.The second part of this paper looks at the history of the organ, which formed an essential part of the music of Montserrat's liturgy during a period of a little over two centuries. No precise affirmations can be made beyond what history has handed down to us. The destruction of the archive of the monastery during the Peninsular War meant that no further information is available. Unfortunately, we must work with assumptions based on the few historical facts at our disposal. Even so, some things can indeed be said about the make-up of the instrument that Father Cererols played in the basilica of Montserrat.


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