Sons de les festes reials hispàniques en l'edat moderna: els jorns de les entrades de Felip III i Margarida d'Àustria a València (1599)


  • Francesc Villanueva Serrano


In 1599, the city of Valencia was the scene of the ratification of the double wedding of Phillip III with Margaret of Austria and of the Infanta Isabella with the Archduke Albert VII. The new Spanish monarchs were received in Valencia with two solemn royal entries as it was the first time they had come to the city. Among the many chronicles of the celebrations, the one written by the Valencian citizen Felip de Gauna stands out for itsdescriptive richness. Taking Gauna's text as our main source, this paper focuses on the mainly musical sounds that flooded the city on the days of the royal entries. The descriptive material will serve on the one hand to study the various types of musical expressions and ensembles and their place in the political and social events dealt with here, and on the other hand, it will allow us to observe the social practices of the times in relation to music.


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