Notes sobre el Cantus passionis a la Catedral de Barcelona, 1485-1583


  • Josep Maria Gregori i Cifré


As from 1485, the series Llibres d'administració dels aniversaris (Anniversary Administration Books) of the Cathedral of Barcelona included a section of expenses covering the performance of the cantus passionis by the singer canons and beneficiaries there: the canons did the monodic parts on Holy Tuesday and Wednesday, while the beneficiaries took part in the polyphonic parts on Palm Sunday and Good Friday. The identification of these singers has allowed us to determine the presence, among the performers, of singing masters such as Bartomeu Tendalaia, Joan Ferrer and Antoni Salvat, and chapel singers who were disciples of Joan Borgunyó and Pere Alberch, such as Pau Brugats, Jaume Soler,Lluís Joan Valtà and Andreu Vilanova. The term turba appeared in the last half of the 16th century, replacing the expression in concert, designating the polyphonic interventions of the group of singers, who numbered between four and seven.


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