Pere Vila (ca. 1465-1538), organista de les catedrals de Vic i València, probable autor del magnificat A 4 (BC: M 1167, OLIM E: TarazC 2/3)


  • Josep Maria Gregori i Cifré


Pere Vila (circa 1465-1538) was the first member of a line of five organists and composers who led the organistships of the cathedrals of Vic, Valencia, Lleida and Barcelona between the last quarter of the 15th century and the first third of the 17th. Probablytrained under Gabriel Terrassa in Barcelona, he was the organist of the cathedrals of Vic (1502-1509, 1523) and Valencia (1510-1517, 1522, 1525-1538). His stay in Valencia coincided with the presence of Mateu Fletxa as the chapel master, in a period when his young nephew Pere Alberch (1517-1582) was completing his training there. The identity of Pere Vila has not only been commonly confused with that of Pere Alberch but it has also given rise to reasonable doubts when establishing the catalogue of the work of the two composers due to the various sources in which the authorship has come down to us under a single name: Vila. In this study, the Magnificat (BC: M 1167, olim E: TarazC 2/3) is attributed to Pere Vila and its transcription is presented at the end.


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