Contribució al coneixement micològic de les Illes Balears (Espanya). XXI


  • Josep Lleonard Siquier i Vigrós
  • Joan Carles Salom
  • Jaume Espinosa Noguera
  • Fernando Esteve-Raventós
  • Jaume Llistosella i Vidal
  • S. Gomes


Contribution to the knowledge of the fungal flora of the Balearic Islands (Spain). XXI. 90 taxa of fungi found in the Balearic Islands are commented. After the information available to us, 22 of them seem to be new records for the Balearic Islands: Penicillium glaucum Link, Tuber melanosporum Vittad., Agaricus moellerianus Bon, Amanita excelsa var. excelsa (Fr.) Bertill., Clitocybe augeana (Mont.) Sacc. ss. Kuyper, Crucibulum laeve (Huds.) Kambly, Cuphophyllus fornicatus (Fr.) Lodge, Padamsee & Vizzini, Flammulaster ferrugineus (Maire) Watling, Hebeloma cylindrosporum Romagn., Inocybe oblectabilis (Britzelm.) Sacc., Hemimycena mairei (E.-J. Gilbert) Singer, Lyophyllum rhopalopodium Clemençon, Pholiota conissans (Fr.) M.M. Moser, Pseudoclitocybe expallens (Pers.) M.M. Moser, Resupinatus alboniger (Pat.) Singer, Tubaria furfuracea (Pers.: Fr.) Gillet f. romagnesiana (Arnolds) Volders, Scleroderma bovista Fr., Puccinia festucae Plowr., Russula carminipes Sarnari, Russula helios Malençon ex Sarnari, Russula messapica Sarnari and Russula rutila Romagn. A further 6 taxa are new record to the Majorca island, 7 to the Minorca island, 18 to Eivissa (Ibiza) island and 5 to the Formentera island. Remarks on their ecology and chorology are also included.


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How to Cite

Siquier i Vigrós, J. L., Salom, J. C., Espinosa Noguera, J., Esteve-Raventós, F., Llistosella i Vidal, J., & Gomes, S. (2016). Contribució al coneixement micològic de les Illes Balears (Espanya). XXI. Revista Catalana De Micologia, 36, 59–88. Retrieved from




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