El Género Melanoleuca pat., en las Islas Baleares (España). I.


  • Josep Lleonard Siquier i Vigrós
  • Joan Carles Salom
  • R. Fontenla
  • R. Para


The genus Melanoleuca Pat. in the Balearic Islands (Spain). I. Eleven taxa of fungi found in the Balearic Islands (Spain) are commented. After the information available to us, eight of them seems to be new records for the mycological flora of the Balearic Islands: M. grammopodia f. macrocarpa Boekhout, M. paedida (Fr.) Kühner & Maire, M. paedida f. electropoda (Maire & Malençon) Fontenla, Para & Vizzini, M. subexcentrica Bon, M. sublanipes Fontenla, Para & Vizzini, M. albifolia Boekhout, M. friesii (Bres.) Bon and M. subpulverulenta (Pers.) Singer. Taxonomy, ecology and chorology notes are also afforded.


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How to Cite

Siquier i Vigrós, J. L., Salom, J. C., Fontenla, R., & Para, R. (2016). El Género <i>Melanoleuca</i> pat., en las Islas Baleares (España). I. Revista Catalana De Micologia, 34, 19–41. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/RCMic/article/view/91057.001




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