Fongs nous o poc citats de la comarca del Segrià (Lleida). II. Boscos de Ribera


  • Carles Cortés i Moragrega
  • Joan J. Montón i Martínez


Some fungi rare or new to the Segrià region (Lleida, Catalonia, NE Spain). Il. As a result of the study of some riparian comm unities along the Segre river, in the central lowlands of Catalonia, the present study reports a selection of 102 species of fungi (4 Myxomycetes, 36 Ascomycetes, 2 anamorphic fungi, 4 Phragmobasidiomycetes and 56 Basidiomycetes). Most of them were rarely or not reported from the Segrià region . Some of them are new or rarely quoted in Catalonia: Ascobolus denudatus, Eutypa lata, Ganoderma lipsiense, Hebeloma pusillum, Helvella fusca, H.spadicea, Hohenbuehelia mastrucata, Hymenoscyphus scutula, Hypomyces aurantius, Hypoxylon serpens, lnocybe praetervisa, Leucogyrophana pseudomollusca, Leucostoma niveum, Morchella semilibera, Morchella vulgaris, Peroneutypa heteracantha, Peziza ampelina, P. micropus, P. proteana, Pezizella gemmarum, Postia lactea, Tomentella terrestris, Typhula setipes, Volvariella bombycina, V. murinella, Xerocomus ferrugineus. In some cases, a description of the critical features is given.


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How to Cite

Cortés i Moragrega, C., & Montón i Martínez, J. J. (2007). Fongs nous o poc citats de la comarca del Segrià (Lleida). II. Boscos de Ribera. Revista Catalana De Micologia, 26, 141–154. Retrieved from


