Noves dades sobre el component fúngic de les comunitats de Cistus de Catalunya


  • Jordi Vila i Garcia
  • Xavier Llimona i Pagès


New data about the fungal component of the Cistus communities of Catalonia. This third contribution contains new floristic and corologic information about 92 species of fungi (5 ascomycetes and 87 basidiomycetes) collected under Cistus bushes (usually C. monspeliensis; in a few instances, C. Laurifolius and C. Albidus). A good number of taxa, considered interesting, are described or discussed. Orawings of microscopi c features and colour photographs of the basidiomata in their habitat are frequently afforded. Some of the taxa deserve special mention: Helvella juniperi Filippa et Baiano, Clitocybe leucodiatreta Bon, Collybia graveolens Poirault ex Boud., C. Tergina (Fr.) S. Lundell, Coprinus xerophilus Bogart, Cortinarius assiduus Mahiques, A. Ortega et Bidaud, C. Aureocistophilus Vila et Llimona ad int., C. ayanamii A. Ortega, Vila, Bidaudet Llimona, C. Coeruleopallescens Contu, C. Fulmineus Fr. var. sulphureus Kauffman, Entoloma atrocoeruleum Noordel., E. philocistus Hauskn. et Noordel., Exidiopsis grisea (Pers.) Bourdot et L. Maire, Lepiota sublaevigata Bon et Boiffard, L. cf. wasseri Bon, Lepista bohusii Ballera et Contu, Melanoleuca cf. meridionalis G. Moreno et Barrasa, Paxillus cf. ammoniavirescens Oessi et Contu, Ramaria clavarioides Schild, Rhodocybe hirneola (Fr.) P.O. Orton and Tubaria cistophila Cheype. Two new combinations are propo sed, Collybia lanipes (Malençon et Bertault) Vila et Llimona and Lepiota alba (Bres.) Sacc. var. ochraceodisca (Bon) Vila et Llimona. Five new taxa are propo sed and described: Collybia catalonica Vila et Llimona, C. Inusitata Vila et Llimona, Cortinarius llimonae Vila , Entoloma malençonii Vila et Llimona, and Cortinarius Cistohelvelloides Bon var. phyllophlebophorus Vila et Llimona. We also give the results of the study of a collection that we believe fits with Melanoleuca catalàunica Singer, a taxon that predat es a probable synonym, M. Heterocystidiosa (Beller et Bon) Bon var. heterocystidiosa.


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How to Cite

Vila i Garcia, J., & Llimona i Pagès, X. (2007). Noves dades sobre el component fúngic de les comunitats de <i>Cistus</i> de Catalunya. Revista Catalana De Micologia, 24, 75–121. Retrieved from




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