Aportació a la flora micològica del Maresme, III. Noves dades per a la flora de la Serralada Litoral Catalana


  • Manuel Tabarés Carriedo
  • August Rocabruna i Llavanera


Contribution to the catalogue of fongi observed in Maresme region and litoral Catalan range. (Catalonia) III. Selected records made from 1979 to 2000, in an area with acidic soils, covered by pines and evergreen oak woods and acidophilous schrubs, in the potential area of the Viburno-Quercetum ilicis. This third contribution contains 150 species, 1 of them Deuteromycetes, 1 Mixomycetes, 22 Ascomycetes and 126 Basidiomycetes. Some of them are of special interest: Labyrintomyces donkii Malençon, Serpula himantioides (Fr.: Fr.) Boud., Hygrophorus leporinus Fr., Hygrocybe fornicata (Fr.) Singer, Melanoleuca diverticulata G. Moreno et Bon, Collybia luxurians Peck, and Calvatia candida (Rostk.) Hollós.


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How to Cite

Tabarés Carriedo, M., & Rocabruna i Llavanera, A. (2007). Aportació a la flora micològica del Maresme, III. Noves dades per a la flora de la Serralada Litoral Catalana. Revista Catalana De Micologia, 23, 95–107. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/RCMic/article/view/18054.001




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