Lesions i estructures fúngiques en arbustos espontanis de Catalunya. I. Sobre fulles i branquillons d'Arbutus unedo


  • Xavier Llimona i Pagès
  • Pilar Hoyo Navarro
  • Maria Muntañola-Cvetkovic


Lesions and fongal structures on wild shrubs of Catalonia. I. On leaves and twigs of Arbutus unedo. Descriptions and illustrations are given of different types of lesions observed on leaves of Arbutus unedo collected in 10 sites of Catalonia since Oct. 1994. The date and collecting sites, identity of the causative agents and frequency of each ofthem are indicated. Septoria unedinis was found to be the especies most frequent among the six that were identified. In the lesions showing pycnidial or ascomatal cavities, the presence or absence of fertile elements into the cavities is noted. Fungal populations invading later on the mentioned substrates, senescent or dead, are identified.


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How to Cite

Llimona i Pagès, X., Hoyo Navarro, P., & Muntañola-Cvetkovic, M. (2007). Lesions i estructures fúngiques en arbustos espontanis de Catalunya. I. Sobre fulles i branquillons d’<i>Arbutus unedo</i>. Revista Catalana De Micologia, 23, 37–45. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/RCMic/article/view/18053.001




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