Els Fongs del Parc Natural del Cap de Creus i Serra de Verdera (Girona). II. Aproximació al component fúngic del Cistion


  • Jordi Vila i Garcia
  • Xavier Llimona i Pagès


The fungi of the Parc Natural del Cap de Creus i Serra de Verdera (NE of Catalonia). II. An approach to the fungal component of the acidophilous bushes dominated by Cistus monspeliensis. The bush community of Cistus monspeliensis is widespread in the Cap de Creus Natural Park (Catalonia, NE Spain) is of high mycological interest. The results of 28 mycological releves taken in plots located one in each of 13 different localities are given here. They include a commented list of 39 of the more of 97 species found. The tables of releves give us a glance on the phenology of the fungal community. A synthetic table, with the maximum presence indexes of each species in each plot, gives us a complete catalogue of the species identified, and enables us to draw a first approximation to the fungal association (cenomycia) present in the Cistion bushes in the area of this study. Some species are considered characteristic: Rectipilus cistophdus, Russula monspeliensis, R. cistoadelpha, Lactarius tesquorum, L. cistophilus, Hebeloma cistophilum, H. album, H. hiemale, Cortinarius scobinaceus,Leccinum corsicum, Hygrophorus pseudodiscoideus var. cistophilus, Clitocybe cistophila and Entoloma cistophilum. The name Russulo monspeliensi-Rectipilecium cistophili is proposed to refer to the fungal community defined by the over mentioned table.


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How to Cite

Vila i Garcia, J., & Llimona i Pagès, X. (2007). Els Fongs del Parc Natural del Cap de Creus i Serra de Verdera (Girona). II. Aproximació al component fúngic del <i>Cistion</i>. Revista Catalana De Micologia, 22, 95–114. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/RCMic/article/view/18026.001




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