Lèxic procedent dels productes i objectes de la botiga de l'apotecari i especier valencià Bernat Planell (1465)



history of Catalan vocabulary, pharmacy, fifteenth century


Historical lexicology can get a lot of information from the inventories of goods and chattels in notary records. Historical dictionaries of the Catalan language have been interested in these documents, but it is a documentary source until now unknown that can still provide the lexicographer with a large amount of information. One of the areas in which these inventories can be of the most lexicographical interest is in technical and professional vocabulary. Several historical works on inventories of pharmacies’ goods and chattels have been published recently, although the historiographical and pharmacological interest predominates over linguistic interest in most of these studies. This paper studies the vocabulary from the inventory of goods and chattels of the Valencian pharmacist Bernat Planell (1465), which in some way complements information from Catalan historical dictionaries, focusing especially on words, meanings and formal variants not recorded in these dictionaries.


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