Asturian and Catalan: Lexical contrast within the Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom)
Asturian, Catalan, etyma, dictionary, comparisonAbstract
This paper offers a comparative analysis of lexical data as presented by the Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom) concerning two Romance languages which are essential parts of the dictionary, namely Asturian and Catalan. A corpus of 206 etyma that have already been studied is taken as the working basis, and a comparison is drawn between the hereditary cognates of both languages to identify commonalities and divergences. These etymological data have been classified into three groups based on the uneven survival of their respective Romance cognates. Setting aside the 14 etyma that have not survived in either language, the balance is as follows: 8 etyma have survived in Asturian and other languages (but not in Catalan); 14 etyma still survive in Catalan and other languages (but not in Asturian); and a substantial group of 192 etyma have lexical successors in both languages, although
they may result from different phonological, morphological or semantic procedures.
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