An unpublished poem about the War of the Spanish Succession in Roussillon


  • Helena Rovira-Cerdà


Archduke Charles III of Austria, War of the Spanish Succession, Roussillon, popular poetry, propaganda


We edit and contextualise an unpublished and unknown poem copied in ms. 1052 of the University of Barcelona Library. Judging from the events mentioned, this work must date from the beginning of the War of the Spanish Succession (1702-1715), probably in June 1706 or shortly thereafter. The anonymous author goes straight to the Archduke Charles III of Austria, urging him to change the conquest of Aragon for the conquest of Roussillon, where he will have the support of the local populace. This is a remarkable document on the impact of this war in Northern Catalonia about fifty years after it was annexed to the Crown of France by the Treaty of the Pyrenees (1659).

Key Words: Archduke Charles III of Austria; War of the Spanish Succession; Roussillon; popular poetry; propaganda


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