Nation-Building for Young Catalans. The National History in the Youth Narrative in Catalan (Teixidor, Vallverdú, Cabré and other Authors)


  • Inga Baumann Universitat de Tübingen


Youth novels in Catalan, collective memory and group identity, nation and nation-building


This contribution analyses several Catalan youth novels both from a literary standpoint and departing from cultural studies theories concerning collective memory and nation. It studies different forms of nation-building in Catalan youth novels published between what is called the “second Francoism” and today. Due to the great importance attached to collective memory in the process of group identification, I will focus on how the history of the imagined community of ‘the Catalans’ is represented, i.e., how the traditions of the ‘Catalan nation’ are invented in these historical narrations. This paper primarily aims to show the evolution of Catalan nation-building in historical youth novels from the late Franco era through the Spanish Transition to the current recovery of historical memory.

Key Words: Youth novels in Catalan, collective memory and group identity, nation and nation-building


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