The French Source of the Gazophylacium catalanolatinum by Joan Lacavalleria


  • Pere Montalat Oficines Lexicogràfiques de la Secció Filològica, Institut d'Estudis Catalans


Joan Lacavalleria, Gazophylacium catalano-latinum, François-Antoine Pomey, dictionary, Jesuit


The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the main source of the Gazophylacium catalano-latinum by Joan Lacavalleria is the French dictionary Le dictionaire royal augmenté by François-Antoine Pomey, published in Lyon in 1671. The collation of the two dictionaries reveals that Lacavalleria closely follows the French model, which explains the origin of many lexical and syntactic Gallicisms found in the Gazophylacium by several linguists and lexicographers. All in all, we can regard the Gazophylacium as a Catalan version of the French work. However, Lacavalleria did not limit himself to translating the French work but made a considerable effort to select and adapt the lexical material in his model, and among other contributions he developed several aspects of Pomey’s lexicographical technique.

Key words: Joan Lacavalleria, Gazophylacium catalano-latinum, François-Antoine Pomey, dictionary, Jesuit


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Author Biography

Pere Montalat, Oficines Lexicogràfiques de la Secció Filològica, Institut d'Estudis Catalans

Correspondència: Oficines Lexicogràfiques de la Secció Filològica, Institut d'Estudis Catalans
c/ Carme 47, 08001 Barcelona
tf.: 93-2701620




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