1. Submission of texts
Submissions may be sent by email as attached files to helalemunala@gmail.com. The text of the message should be “L&L:...”. Authors may also register in the portal of the Catalan Scholarly Journals Library (Hemeroteca Científica Catalana) and directly submit their work there by using the “Submission” (“Trameses”) option on the OJS menu. In either case authors are recommended to use the writing template for originals found on the journal’s website.
1.1. Letter of introduction
Submission of the text should include a letter of introduction in which the author requests that his or her work be reviewed for possible publication.The letter should contain the following:
When they send the article, authors who registered on the OJS platform may send in any comments they deem appropriate on the journal page in the box labelled “Comments for the editor” (“Comentaris per a l’editor”).
Submission of an original entails a series of commitments with the journal. Authors registered on the OJS platform may make the statements below on the journal page by filling in the boxes in the “Submission checklist” (“Llista de control de la tramesa”) section.1.2. Originality of the material
In order for the text to be reviewed and, if applicable, published, authors must certify that the content of the article is original, that it has been neither disseminated nor published previously, and that it has only been sent to the journal L&L.
1.3. Authorship
The submitters must declare that all the authors have read and approved the text. Each of the individuals who appear as authors must have made a significant contribution to the design and development of the article and must take responsibility for the contents, meaning that they agree with the definitive version of the text. Thus, generally speaking, in order to appear as an author, one must fulfil the following requirements: have contributed substantially to the conception and design of the article, to the acquisition of the data or to the analysis and subsequent interpretation; have written the draft of the article or have revised the intellectual content critically; and have approved the version ultimately submitted.1.4. Introducing changes
The author agrees to introduce changes in the content of the article after the review and any changes in the style of the text made by the L&L Editorial Board, if necessary.2. Sections of L&LL&L contains original articles, collective reviews, individual reviews and reports on different events in the field of philology.
3. Presentation and organisation of submissions
3.1. Text citations
3.2. Dedications and references to prizes
These should appear in a note on the first page (the title should refer to the note using an asterisk (*)).3.3. Papers
Papers should generally be between 15 and 20 pages long (that is, at most 42,000 spaces, excluding the title, abstract, keywords, tables, figures and bibliography). Only exceptionally will the Editorial Board deem that there are sufficient reasons related to the text’s scholarly interest to surpass the 20-page limit. A well-organised abstract no longer than 250 words must be included in both Catalan and English, along with 3-6 keywords after the abstract.The texts must contain the following information:
3.4. Reviews
The maximum length of reviews should be 10,500 spaces, that is, between 2 and 5 pages. Reviews with a bibliography must follow the same criteria as bibliographies in studies (see section 3.6). For an illustration of the formal details, see the template for originals on the journal website.
3.4.1. Individual reviews
3.4.2. Collective reviews
3.5. Reports
The maximum length of reports is 10,500 spaces or 5 pages. Regarding the format, please see the template.3.6. Bibliographic citationsAuthor-data system. References should go in parentheses inside the text throughout the text, while at the end the bibliography should be systematically listed.3.6.1. CitationsThe author’s surname should be written in small caps. If there are two authors, they should be separated by the conjunction and. When there are three or more authors, the first author must be listed, followed by et al. in italics.After the author(s) comes the year of publication followed by a colon. If there are references by the same author(s) with the same year of publication, after the year a lower-case letter in italics must be added to distinguish them. After the year of publication comes the page number(s) (with a hyphen if the citation is on more than one page).Bibliographic references within the text must be identical to the references in the bibliography at the end of the text and they must be linked via hypertext.3.6.2. The bibliography
3.7. Tables and figures
3.7.1. Tables
At the end of the paper, after the bibliography, a sheet must be attached that includes:
Tables should be clear and require no corrections. The acronyms and abbreviations in them must always be accompanied by a footnote giving the full names. If symbols are needed, lower-case letters should be used in superscript in alphabetical order.3.7.2. Figures
Photographs, graphics containing data and schemas are considered figures. Each figure must come in a separate file, preferably in JPG or TIFF format.After duly informing the authors, the journal’s Editorial Board reserves the right to reject figures that are not high enough quality to ensure clear reproduction. The graphs and schemes should be designed bearing in that the format should be 9 x 12 cm or a multiple thereof. Authors should bear the same rules in mind for photographs. Photographs, schemes and graphics should be numbered correlatively and jointly with figures. The figure captions should be included on a separate page at the end of the paper, after the bibliography or tables, if there are any, with Arabic numbering that corresponds to the figure. When symbols, arrows, numbers or letters are used to identify one or more parts of the figures, they must be identified and their meaning clearly explained in the caption. If any photographs are reproduced, the authors must have secured informed written consent that authorises them to publish, reproduce and divulge them in L&L. The authors are also responsible for securing any permits needed to reproduce in L&L any materials (texts, tables or figures) that have been published previously. These permits must be requested from both the author and the publisher of these materials.3.8. Abbreviations and symbolsOnly standard and universally-accepted abbreviations and symbols should be used (check the list of abbreviations accepted by the IEC <http://dlc.iec.cat/abreviaturesA.html>). If authors wish to shorten a term used frequently in the text, the first time the term appears its abbreviation should be placed in parentheses. 4. Publishing process 4.1. Receipt of articles
The Editorial Board notifies authors of its receipt of the articles that have arrived and later informs them as to whether or not they have been accepted for publication with a justification of the reason. Receipt of an article does not necessarily mean acceptance.4.2. Internal review
The Editorial Board considers the text for publication after an initial editorial review which consists of checking: a) the fit between the topic and interest of the article with the editorial criteria of L&L; b) fulfilment of the formal submission requirements stipulated in the publication rules contained in the document entitled “Instructions for authors” and on this website.4.3. External review
Once the article has been deemed appropriate for publication, it will be confidentially and anonymously sent for review to two or more expert reviewers from outside the Editorial Board. Texts which are only deemed acceptable with changes shall be sent back to the authors to be corrected; they must be returned to the journal in at most one month, regardless of whether the corrections are minor or major.4.4. Criteria for choosing reviewers
The Editorial Board is in charge of choosing reviewers for the journal and takes into account their academic and scholarly qualifications as well as their professional experience, including both local and international experts.4.5. Publishing policy criteria
The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept or reject articles based on the external reports, as well as to introduce stylistic changes or cut back the texts that are long than the allowed length, with a commitment to respect the original content. The factors which the editors of the journal will use to determine whether or not to accept texts are: 1) originality: a totally original text, valuable contributions; b) novelty and being up-to-the-minute; c) relevancy; d) significance for the advancement of knowledge; e) reliability and scholarly validity: proven methodological quality, appropriateness of the bibliography; and f) presentation: good writing, good organisation (logical coherence and physical presentation).
L&L: Llengua & Literatura is published under the Creative Commons licence system in the “Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives 3.0 Spain” license scheme, the complete text of which is available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/deed.ca. Therefore, the public at large is authorised to reproduce, distribute and share its content as long as the author and publisher are acknowledge and it is not used for commercial use or derivative works.This means that when an author submits their work for publication, they are explicitly agreeing to forfeit their editing and publishing rights.L&L provides free and immediate access to its contents (with the versions of the articles submitted that have been positively evaluated and, if needed, amended) through its URL (http://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/LLiL) before they are published on paper, based on the principle that making research available to citizens free of charge fosters the global exchange of knowledge.