Algunes reflexions al voltant del tractament de l'equilibri químic en el batxillerat


  • Francesc A. Centellas i Masuet


This paper compares the explanation of chemical equilibrium when the author was a student, to the current one in Catalonian high schools today. It can be seen that the current chemical equilibrium explanation is more extensive and it has a greater conceptual importance than in the past. This can cause a problem if not enough time is given to teaching the subject, leading to a poor understanding of the meaning and use of the physicochemical magnitudes and constants. At the same time, this problem can hinder the reaching of other basic goals. On the other hand, after the revision of the most used chemistry textbooks at high school level, a reconsideration of some aspects of the chemical equilibrium explanation is proposed. And so, some of the observed problems with the textbooks are discussed and alternative proposals for a clearer treatment of the subject are suggested.





Conceptes i models químics