30 issues of Educació Química EduQ


  • Aureli Caamaño Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
  • Fina Guitart Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
  • Pere Grapí Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Educació Química EduQ, chemical education, article analysis, journal sections.


In this article we describe the changes that have occurred in the editorial and advisory boards and in the structure of the journal and we analyse the monographs and the types of articles published in the last twenty issues, comparing this analysis to the one made with the ten first issues, which was published in issue number 10 of the journal (October, 2011). Next, we analyse the set of issues published from 1 to 30 pointing out some questions that we are considering to continue improving the journal.




Monografia: 30 números d’Educació Química EduQ