Considering the history and philosophy of chemistry in the conceptualization and development of the curriculum


  • Vicente Talanquer University of Arizona


Chemical thought, curriculum, disciplinary practices, nature of chemistry.


Historical and philosophical studies on ways of knowing, thinking, and acting in chemistry invite reflection on how to design learning environments and experiences that represent the discipline in more authentic and productive ways. In particular, this contribution describes and discusses the influence of this type of analysis on the conceptualization and development of an alternative chemistry curriculum. We characterize the effects of the historical-philosophical reflection on decisions related to how targeted knowledge, skills and attitudes are framed, and what disciplinary practices and ways of reasoning are developed.

Author Biography

Vicente Talanquer, University of Arizona

Profesor en la Universidad de Arizona. Autor o coautor de más de diez libros de primaria y secundaria y de más de cien artículos arbitrados de investigación en educación química y pensamiento docente. Su trabajo se centra en el estudio de las formas de razonamiento de los estudiantes y de los profesores de química.




Monografia: Filosofia de la química