Chemical reaction and chemical transformation: two terms to highlight the role of models in the teaching of chemistry in France Authors Isabelle Kermen Université d’Artois, France Keywords: Chemical change, chemical reaction, chemical equation, model. Abstract In the French chemistry syllabus of higher secondary school, 20 years ago, a macroscopic model was introduced to foresee the evolution of chemical systems. This macroscopic model, the chemical reaction, is distinct from the chemical description of the system modifications, the chemical change. This paper presents an epistemological and didactic analysis of this syllabus and an overview of how students and teachers understand it.keywords: Chemical change, chemical reaction, chemical equation, model. Author Biography Isabelle Kermen, Université d’Artois, France És professora de química a la Universitat d’Artois i investigadora al laboratori de didàctica André Revuz. Ha ensenyat física i química durant una desena d’anys al liceu abans d’ensenyar química a la universitat des de 1992. Els seus temes de recerca principals tracten de l’ensenyament i la comprensió dels models en la química de l’ensenyament secundari, de les pràctiques dels docents i de l’ensenyament experimental a la universitat. És coeditora en cap de la revista Recherches en didactique des scienceset des technologies (RDST). Downloads PDF (Català) Issue No. 27 (2020) Section Monografia: La reacció química License The intellectual property of articles belongs to the respective authors.On submitting articles for publication to the journal Educació Química, authors accept the following terms:Authors assign to Societat Catalana de Química (a subsidiary of Institut d’Estudis Catalans) the rights of reproduction, communication to the public and distribution of the articles submitted for publication to Educació Química.Authors answer to Societat Catalana de Química for the authorship and originality of submitted articles.Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for the reproduction of all graphic material included in articles.Societat Catalana de Química declines all liability for the possible infringement of intellectual property rights by authors.The contents published in the journal, unless otherwise stated in the text or in the graphic material, are subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (by-nc-nd) 3.0 Spain licence, the complete text of which may be found at Consequently, the general public is authorised to reproduce, distribute and communicate the work, provided that its authorship and the body publishing it are acknowledged, and that no commercial use and no derivative works are made of it.Educació Química is not responsible for the ideas and opinions expressed by the authors of the published articles.