El Paper del mercat en la concreció del currículum durant les primeres quatre dècades del segle XX: culturalisme, activisme i progressisme en les propostes editorials per a l'ensenyament de la geografia


  • Alberto Luis Gómez
  • Jesús Romero Morante


In the context of the proposals made from different areas legislative, academic, inspection, etc. in order to improve the teaching of different subjects, special attention is paid to the important role played by different publishers as agents of syllabus definition over a period in which, as far as primary level is concerned, official questionnaires had not yet been adopted. Following some brief introductory considerations on the connections between the absence of administrative regulations and the appearance of commercial initiatives, we deal with the contents of seven proposals for the teaching of geography published between 1903 (the programmes of M. Chico Suárez) and 1932 (the «lines of development» of J. García, M. Hernanz and D. Bayón to address problems of everyday life in school). The analysis of their most salient aspects enables us to shed some light on the slow but interesting process, which was not without its contradictions, of the renovation of a school institution such as the Spanish, where normally, discourses, school practices and the civic use of what has been learnt after a period of schooling had but a tenuous connection.




