Quoi de neuf du côté de la lexicographie étymologique? Autors/ores Nadine Steinfeld Marta Andronache Resum Whats new in etymological lexicography? The methodology applied within the framework of the TLF-Étym programme aiming drawing a distinction between borrowings from Classical Latin and those from Medieval Latin The development of ideas on lexicography and the revision of certain etymological notes have given rise to reflections that provide more information about and clarify the route(s) taken by borrowings from Latin. So far, there is no study in French lingüístics devoted to this etymological problem. In connection with this problem of French lexicography, we propose an idea with regard to several examples of etymologies in the TLF-Étym. It falls within both the domain of «les projets lexicographiques dans le sillage du TLF» (lexicographical projects derived from TLF) and «grands chantiers lexicographiques actuels et leurs méthodologies» (current trends and methodology in lexicography). This idea is intended to be an appraisal of, but, above all, an attempt to put in perspective the problem of the paths followed by borrowings from Latin. This research was expounded in an unpublished talk that we gave during the international colloquium «Lexicographie et informatique: bilan et perspectives» (Lexicography and Computing: state of the art and future prospects), held in Nancy from the 23rd to the 25th of January 2008. Descàrregues Publicat 2011-05-05 Número Vol. 33 (2011) Secció Articles Llicència Aquesta obra és subjecta —llevat que s'indiqui el contrari en el text, en les fotografies o en altres il·lustracions— a una llicència Reconeixement - No comercial - Sense obres derivades 3.0 Espanya de Creative Commons, el text complet de la qual es pot consultar a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/deed.ca. Així, doncs, s'autoritza al públic en general a reproduir, distribuir i comunicar l'obra sempre que se'n reconegui l'autoria i l'entitat que la publica i no se'n faci un ús comercial ni cap obra derivada.