At the Limits of Rhetoric: Political Philosophy and the Media (DOI: 10.2436/20.3000.02.9)


  • Josep Monserrat-Molas Universitat de Barcelona (UB)


rhetoric, political philosophy, media, Plato, Socrates


The principles on which all the operation of the huge informing through the image and the world machine’s operation are based are easily made evident. Its logic is that of what has no need to make sense, and the principles on which it is based are three: 1) the gross information has an immediate available sense for everybody; 2) what is important is present and even more, immediacy; and 3) information leads. The race of being the first in breaking the news is a sign of the unhealthy relationship we have with information. The moment breaks up in a cloud of information where everything is mixed without rhyme or reason. In this article, teacher Monserrat studies some of the aspects of the media, going into the limits of the rhetoric and political philosophy and using classical sources from authors like Socrates, Plato or Isocrates.

Key words: Rhetoric, political philosophy, media, Plato, Socrates

Original source: Afers. Fulls de Recerca i Pensament, 62-63: 289-306 (2009)


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