About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista Catalana de Ciències Socials / Catalan Social Sciences Review (RCCS/CSSR), is published every year by the Philosophy and Social Sciences Section (SFCS) of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) in order to disseminate its research and activities in the scholarly community and society at large. The simultaneous use of Catalan and English reflects our interest in addressing both members of the IEC’s linguistic community and the international public interested in our work in the fields encompassed in our section: anthropology, political science, communication studies, demographics, law, economics, philosophy, geography, education, psychology and sociology. The Institut d’Estudis Catalans is the interdisciplinary scholarly academy common to the three autonomous communities in Spain where Catalan is an official language (Catalonia, the Regional of Valencia and the Balearic Islands), as well as the Principality of Andorra, a narrow part of Aragon bordering Catalonia, the French department of the Pyréneés-Orientales and the city of L’Alguer on the Italian island of Sardinia.

The founding objectives of the RCCS/CSSR are:

1 To promote, foster and stimulate Catalan scientific and scholarly production in philosophy and the social sciences.

2 To coordinate an international platform to disseminate Catalan scholarly production in the different categories falling within the general aegis of the social sciences.

3 To participate in initiatives to internationally disseminate Catalan scholarship in English by means of the IEC’s online catalogue of publications.

4 To guarantee the global scholarly community access to high-quality Catalan social sciences research, focusing on works that are originally written in Catalan.

5 To contribute to creating a sense of cultural belonging of shared support among philosophy and social sciences researchers from all the Catalan-speaking countries and territories.

Disseminating the results of research in the academic community and society at large is a priority objective of the research and publications policy of the Philosophy and Social Sciences Section (SFCS) of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). It is also the main purpose of the relaunch of this journal, Revista Catalana de Ciències Socials / Catalan Social Sciences Review (RCCS/CSSR), in which major changes have been made regarding both the language used and its contents compared to the original journal.

In the eleven preceding issues, the RCCS/CSSR has been devoted to publishing English translations of scholarly articles published in the Catalan language in order to ensure that they are internationally disseminated. However changes in scholarly journals over the past twelve years have led us to revise this original mission while maintaining the founding objectives of the publication. The simultaneous use of Catalan and English in the relaunched journal reflects our interest in addressing both members of the IEC’s linguistic community and the international public interested in our work in the fields encompassed in the SFCS-IEC.

The SFCS-IEC’s research policy encompasses three aspects that will be present in the journal’s contents. The first is research produced by members of the IEC. The second is the connection with outside research through agreements and partnerships with other centres and university departments, the public administration or private enterprise. And the third is fostering research through the awards given out each year, with prime attention on the award for the best doctoral theses written in Catalan.

The contents in the relaunched RCCS/CSSR also include brief reports on another activity that occupies a prime place in the gatherings which periodically bring together the members of the Section: lectures and talks that prestigious social scientists, from both inside and outside the Finally, starting with this twelfth issue, the journal also includes a section on ‘Reviews’, which reports on the books published by the current and emeritus members of the SFCS over the course of the previous year.