Education Represented in Spanish Propaganda Documentaries (1914-1939) (DOI: 10.2436/20.3000.02.55)


  • Pilar Prat Universitat de Vic
  • Anna Gómez Universitat de Vic
  • Josep Casanovas Universitat de Vic
  • Isabel Carrillo Universitat de Vic
  • Núria Padrós Universitat de Vic
  • Eulàlia Collelldemont Universitat de Vic

Paraules clau:

educational films, propaganda, history of education, content analysis


This article describes the main conclusions from research into educational documentaries and newsreels from the first thirty or so years of the twentieth century in Spain. It firstly sets out the general and synthetic methodology used to carry out the study, and then outlines the overall picture we have assembled of how education is represented in the films examined from a formal, contextual standpoint and through content analysis. This overview provides a complex picture of education and childcare during that period. Despite the caution that must be taken when working with visual resources, we are able to assert that analysing the material has enabled us to pinpoint nuanced details and open up new perspectives on the history of education.

Key words: educational films, propaganda, history of education, content analysis.

Original sourceEducació i Història: Revista d’Història de l’Educació, 31: 35-57 (2018).




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