Tides and the Catalan Atlas [1375] (DOI: 10.2436/20.3000.02.27)


  • Vicenç M. Rosselló i Verger Universitat de València (UV)

Paraules clau:

Catalan Atlas, Cresques Abraham, historical cartography, tides, lunitidal intervals, medieval commentators, Isidorus


The Catalan Atlas [1375], attributed to Cresques Abraham, a Jew buixoler, is preceded by a long geographical, astrological and oceanographic text, part of which refers to the tides and is accompanied of the oldest known graph which shows 14 circumferences and 16 orientated sectors. In this article, we identify toponyms and discuss the sources of the theories of the lunitidal interval or establishment of a port and the texts (Isidorus, Honorius d'Autun or of Regensburg) and the classic roots of the theory.

Key words: Catalan Atlas, Cresques Abraham, historical cartography, tides, lunitidal intervals, medieval commentators, Isidorus

Original source: Cuadernos de Geografía, 86: 165-182 (2009)


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