El Nou model de finançament autonòmic


  • Francesc Homs i Ferret


The Catalan economics minister explains the Catalan fiscal deficit, one of the largest in Europe, and the measures he proposes to negotiate with the Spanish central government to keep tax receipts within Catalonia. The decentralisation of the Spanish State has been a success and the current fiscal disequilibrium between what Catalans pay and what they receive from the government is part of the unfinished process which has been evolving in the right direction. The objective is that 100% of Catalan government expenditure be financed by Catalan taxes without any need for transfers to Madrid and back. The second objective is that the increased revenue from economic growth be shared out equably and not retained exclusively by the central government. Catalonia already has fiscal sovereignty with the capacity to alter tax laws. It is also important that tax collection be efficient as well as government expenditure. Social Security requires deep reform because it is destabilising at the moment with expenditure decisions taken by the central government which must be paid by the Catalan government, while current transfers underrepresent Catalan population and its needs. A political agreement is required which will provide the necessary stability for the future.





