Autores y traductores de libros de texto de química en España, 1788-1845


  • Rosa Muñoz Bello


This paper analyzes the collective biographical profile of authors and translators of chemistry textbooks in Spain from 1788 to the 1845. We study their formation, occupation, investigations, motivation to write the book, educational activity and audiences, among other aspects. This study shows the variation of the biographical profiles throughout the period. By the end of eighteenth century, most of the Spanish chemistry textbooks were translations of French works. After a period of transition, that corresponds approximately to the second reign of Fernando VII, a new generation of authors emerged. Many of them were pharmacists by training, who were somehow involved in the teaching of chemistry. They wrote a great number of chemistry textbooks in Spanish language, so the relative importance of the translations decrease although they continued representing a substantial part of the group.





IV Conference on the history of science and education Antoni Quintana Marí