Comunicació d'alertes alimentàries: el cas dels "cogombres assassins"


  • Gemma Revuelta de la Poza
  • Verònica Escurriol Martínez


When a food crisis unfolds, mass communication media are mainly, but not solely, responsible for providing information. This study analyses the case of the so-called Spanish killer cucumbers that was the result of the erroneous implication of this promaquetaduce in a serious bout of E. coli intoxications in Germany. The development of this crisis follows the four phases described: introductory phase, crisis phase, culmination and solution. Despite the inherent existence of uncertainty in the event of a food scare, this case highlights the need to gauge the consequences of what is reported and to provide information based exclusively on the information available, without manipulating or concealing information to suit any specific interests. A poor communication policy can affect public health and the economy as well as confidence in food safety and those responsible for guaranteeing it.


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