La Revista colombiana del periodista catalán Ramon Vinyes: cuestiones acerca de su gestión, proyecto editorial y diseño


  • Javier Beltrán


The cultural magazine Voces was published in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia, from August 1917 until April 1920. Since its beginnings, Voces made a deep impression within the literary and press circles in Colombia. This was due, in great part, because of the high quality of its contents and its avant-garde style, characteristics that were rare amongst the other cultural magazines that were being published in the country at the time. Albeit Ramon Vinyes i Cluet (Berga, 1882 - Barcelona, 1952) a Catalan journalist who lived for a long period of his life in Colombia was never credited as the editor of Voces for unknown reasons, he was the true promoter of the magazine, as it is explained in this article. Different studies on Voces have been carried on by researchers who have approached Vinyes works in Colombia from different academic perspectives. Notwithstanding, there are still a number of issues concerning the magazine which remain to be studied. Some hypothesis about the Voces project,Vinyes role in the administrative direction of the magazine, and some issues concerning its graphic design and style are presented in this paper; thus proposing new possible lines of research on Ramon Vinyes journalistic work.


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