Josep Escuder, renovador del disseny periodístic en la primera meitat del segle XX


  • Juan Fermín Vílchez de Arribas


This article studies the most significant contributions of Josep Escuder i Pobés (Barcelona, 1903 - New York, 1977), a great promoter of design in the twentieth century press. Escuder i Pobés holds a privileged place in the development of the daily press during the Second Spanish Republic, unfortunately brought to an end by the Civil War (1936-1939). This Catalan journalist, author of the typographic image of Barcelonas Última Hora newspaper, is one of the great designers of Spanish newspapers of the first third of the twentieth century, together with Manuel Fontdevila, also Catalan. Both of them have been forgotten for many years, but their works drove, in a remarkable way, the page make-up of newspapers.


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