Anàlisi del discurs i comunicació científica


  • Helena Calsamiglia


This paper proves the value of discourse analysis to contribute to the research of the public communication of science. After contrasting the different ways of approaching research on language, from the point of view of its structure and its use, the linguistic use in context is established as the object of discourse analysis, just as the need to enlarge the perspective from different disciplines, that is essential in order to supply the study of communication units in social life with categories and methods. Considering the contextualization as the basic principle for linking the world of science and the world of daily life, several specific topics are commented to illustrate the crucial need to apply discourse studies to oral and written communication of sciences: the reformulation process in various texts and interactions on the same topic; the participants role paying special attention to the construction of the popularisation position, and citation as a procedure to integrate different voices in the same text. The immediate communication typical in oral exchanges is stressed as a way to investigate discursive procedures involved in the dynamics of interactive processes, and also to discover the importance of an interactive view of communication.


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