La Periodística científica als Països Catalans: el tractament de la ciència al Diari Català (1879-1881)


  • Ariadna Casasús Bernacho
  • Sergi Cortiñas Rovira


This paper summarizes some of the conclusions of the research project «La periodística científica als Països Catalans», funded by the Institut dEstudis Catalans and directed by the professor of Journalism of Universitat Pompeu Fabra Josep Maria Casasús. The authors focus on the publications of the 19th century in Catalonia and, in particular, analyze in a systematic way the scientific popularisation in the newspaper Diari Català (1879-1881), the first newspaper in Catalan language. Diari Català had a special sensitivity for the scientific subjects and developed a remarkable task of popularisation. The newspaper understood the science linked with the progress, like an element of renewal and transformation of reality, as a contribution to social improvement.


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