A Carnival for the Lesbian "I": Gilda Salinas' Short Stories


  • Elena Madrigal Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México


Gilda Salinas, Mexican lesbian literature, first-person narrative, night life, oral tradition, festivity


Gilda Salinas disrupts the short-story conventions by making of Del destete al desempance. Cuentos lésbicos y un colado an episode in the night-life of a merry lesbian in Mexico City. Beginning in the seventies, the lesbian party-goer narrates "with her own voice" her adventures throughout lesbian night clubs now closed, rescuing places of homosexual life. The rendering of the oral tradition allows for the preservation of puns and linguistic codes that would have otherwise vanished along with the generations that created them. The author's strategies carnavalize the lesbian topic. They also legitimize the ways lesbians create to express and be themselves in time and place. Gilda Salinas has enriched the literary means, the visibility, and the diversity both in the lives and narratives of the lesbian/s.
