[Feminisms of the XXIst Century]


  • Yaratullah Monturiol Assocació UNESCO per al Diàleg interreligiós


dialogue, muslim women, islamic feminism


Yaratullah Monturiol proposes a dialogue based on action, in the struggle of Muslim women which step by step will lead to a transformation of reality. She defines Muslim feminism as plural and states the necessity of knowledge of textual sources to its development and the construction of its identity. She also puts forward the obstacles which this feminism has come across in order to progress, like the exploitation of the feminine cause by men, converting it in a personal platform and devalueting it as an object of propaganda. Besides, the fear of the dissolution of patriarchy has provoked the rejection of feminism, and its division. This way, Monturiol presents an Islamic feminism that fights in order to change, from the inside, the way of seeing and perceiving Muslims and Islam.


