

  • Joana Sabadell-Nieto State University of New York (Albany)


assimilitacion, zombie identities, justice, feminist democracy, poetic language


Relocating gender, in some countries, at the near inevitable centrality of political discourse is, perhaps, the major contribution of feminism(s) to thought/language/politics in recent times. This article reflects on the transforming social possibilities of feminist politics, on the development of a femination. It defends the democratizing advantages and usefulness for al citizens of putting into collective practices what has been learnt from political theories developed from women's knowledge, praxis and experiences in order to transform and extend civil rights for all. In this line, it analyzes the intervention of feminism(s) in the re-definition of the nation (law, representative entities, production and labor, and, mostly, socializing institutions) and demonstrates the social benefits and the more just social results into communities with which we can inter-relate. Or would that be precisely the dissolution of what it has been understood as nation?


